Sunday, June 8, 2008

It's the Simple Things.

I've never been so happy to pee. Here we are 7:15pm or so and it's the first time since before the race at 10:30am. It might not seem that long but when you consider what I drank in that time, it's pretty amazing. Here's the list: 2-32oz Gatorades. 2-16oz bottled water. 4-21oz water bottles. 1-16oz Naked. 2-pilsner glasses of water (16oz I believe). 228oz of fluids to one urination. That's a heck of a ratio.

Let's just say today was HOT! It was 95+ with a humidity level that was up there. I don't know if it was the weather or what but I never really felt right out there. Danville is a good course for me with lots of climbing. 4500 feet (I've never granny geared so much) in 18.5 miles. Compare that to Sewell with about 1000 feet (Big ring all day) in 22 miles. Shawn and I knew that we had to pace ourselves and gauge our efforts closely. It was just too hot to hammer every climb. So we did just that and we paced ourselves into a 4th (Shawn) and a 5th (me). Now I know when someone checks the results they will see only 7 finishers. This is true but today was a day of hanging on. There were very few who managed to ride at their best. Plus, 4th and 5th are the same points whether you have 7 riders or 50. Points are points right?

Next weekend the team will be at the Stoopid 50 ( for a 50 mile day in the park. Lucky for me, I have to go to a wedding. Shucks.

1 comment:

Zach said...

You guys rode great there. Congrats. It was a tough race for sure, but awesome none the less.