Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cheyney, Camp, Phoenixville...etc.

So I finally managed to get some pictures (thank you Staci for the Skellington picture). Woohoo!
Let's start things off with a Cheyney Road Race wrap-up. The race itself was actually boring and frustrating. It had two fairly long climbs but they never seemed to split the pack due to a long recovery zone (and some super slow riding by those at the front of the peleton). Why didn't Shawn or I move up to the front you may ask? Well, all the roads were too narrow and no one was willing to give up even one inch. Can't say I blame them. I put this race in the "Probably never again" category not only for the reasons listed above but also because the final 400 meters were supposed to be closed on the last lap. Those sprinting found themselves dodging at least two cars at 35-40 mph. Fun.
Let's go to mountain bike camp. This is always fun. Even though we had a very wet week, the campers made the best of it. We watched videos on freeriding, downhilling, and trials. This week the weather has been better but most of the trails are still a mess. So far they don't seem to mind riding the same loops over and over (which is good since that is all we can ride). We are trying to teach them not only how to mountain bike but to be good trail stewards as well. Up top is a picture of Kate. She is great. Actually, she is one of the other instructors.
Last Saturday was the Phoenixville Crit. This race was almost identical to Race Ave. only the slopes were a little steeper. I did the 4 and Consorto did the 1/2/3. The 4's did 30 laps in the pouring rain. It was pretty uneventful until 13 to go when there was a crash in turn 3 right in front of me. I swerved left to miss it only to find the course marshal running to the crash. I swerved to miss him almost at a dead stop by this time. I looked up to see the peleton exiting turn 4 and I just knew that was my race. Now I'm not sure on the rule but I may have been able to take a free lap but since I wasn't technically in that crash I didn't take one. I still ended up 13th. Chris took 5th in the big boy race.
This Sunday is the Millersville Road Race. Drop me a line if you want directions and start times.

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