Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ups and Downs

So my week was pretty crappy. I had a killer tooth ache that I went to the dentist for. He took x-rays and found nothing. Then he heard me sniffle a little. He asked "Have you been sick?" "Yes. " I responded. Long conversation short, I had a sinus infection and now I'm on meds. So not much training with two races this weekend. Oh boy, how do you think I did? Not so great. The first race was Mt. Joy road race. Chad and I had discussed earlier in the week about attacking early since we didn't feel we really had a shot at being on the top step of the podium any other way. Turns out he was sick all week too and here's his race story...

My day on Saturday started at 7:00 a.m. when I had to head to Mount Joy for a road race. The weather looked good, in the 60's with a slight wind. Nothing big compared to what I rode in two weeks ago in Kirkwood. I was not sure how I would do at this race since i was fighting a head and chest cold the week before. I only got in about 45-50 miles in that week. I thought I would work for Dan, but to my chagrin he had a sinus infection the same week. We both decided to "wing" it and see what happens. When I got down to Mount Joy I felt really good, not much of a cold left, and the first time this season for a race I was able to ride with short jersey and shorts! The race started off fast with me about mid pack, not a big deal since there are 2-3 climbs each loop, 5 loops of a total of 29 miles. I could see Dan was at the front. After the first loop I see Dan drop way back, he looked like crap. After the first lap it slowed down slightly and I stayed mid pack to the last lap. With 4-5 miles left there was an attack with a break away of 5-6 riders, not good this close to the finish. We picked up the pace and tried to make sure they did not make it. With less then 9/10 of a mile left we picked up 3-4 riders with 3 riders that we could not pick up get 1-3rd place finish. From this point I have felt great and had the legs for the best sprint a climber like myself could do. With it all said and done I came in 12th place. It of course would have been nicer for a top 10 but maybe next time. This placement was for the team since we have not had the best week or two of good news. This all so gives me the motivation to keep training hard and to know that i am on a good pace for peaking when I want to later in the season. O yes and Dan, I find out after the race he only did one lap and pulled out. He felt so much like crap that he did not even wait for me to get done. He headed home to try and recover for a Mt. Race the next day. Out.

I ended up DNF'ing after the first lap. I was hanging on but just barely and with a race the next day I thought it would be wise to admit defeat in this one. That brings with to Sunday. Fairhill Cross Country mountain bike race. I have to say, I was a bit tired of mountain biking last year but this season is all new energy. Ben, Tom, Joel, Shawn, and I all made the trip (plus a very supportive pit crew) ready to rock and roll. Ben did the beginner race (hey, he's the downhiller). He reported back to us that the trails were fast, flat, and almost like riding on the road. Normally I'd love a course like this. Fast is what I do best. Technical stuff is best left to Tom, Shawn, or Joel. They are like butter. This day though, I knew would be a challenge. You know, with the whole not being able to breathe.

Lined up waiting for the gun I had a great position. Second row, about 3 in from the end. It was a perfect spot to take the first turn as if it were straight. At the gun it was fast but I was hanging in there, sitting about 10th. There was a nice pace line for the first lap as no one really was able to get too far away. The second lap was my fastest and I felt great. I used the big ring the whole way. I was breathing (marginally important). The third lap was great until I got an empty feeling in my stomach. I realized I didn't eat enough but by this time it was too late. I bonked hard. My legs went numb. All you can do is spin out of the woods. People passed me. One racer threw me a GU (I owe him a beer or something). I just needed calories. My last lap was 5 minutes slower. That 5 minutes took me out of the top ten all the way to 19th. Tom took 10th. Shawn 8th and Joel 6th. So those guys did their part.

In other news...We have a new teammate. Her name is Brooke. Her first race will be sometime in May (she's busy at work until then so back off!). She plans on doing some of the Ultra Endurance 100 mile races and a 24 hour race. A real go getter. I forgot to get a picture though so you will have to wait to see her.

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