Saturday, December 13, 2008

'Cross Nationals

I was checking the updates at and saw that our Temporary Milkman Jake took 38th and Zach (C3/Slippery Rock) finished 28th in the under-23 category. Not too shabby considering the field these guys were up against. Wes Schempf of C3 took 3rd in the Masters 30-34 group and another C3 rider Kris Auer grabbed 8th in the 35-39 field. All of these races had over 50 racers at the start line. Rob Lea won his age group which I think was 60-69 but I'm unable to find the results right now. Awesome ride guys.

The best result so far for any Mid-Atlantic rider would have to be Jeff Bahnson (Van Dessel/Henry's). He took his second consecutive National title in the 15-16 age group. The kid is simply amazing. His margin of victory was 40+ seconds. That is an eternity in a 'cross race.

The Elite Men and Women are set to go tomorrow. I'm pulling for Bad Andy, Wes, Molly Cameron, and Jeremy Powers. Of those guys Jeremy has the best shot but I think it will come down to Powers' teammate Tim Johnson and Kona rider Ryan Trebon.

Johnson won last year after Trebon was taken out by a head on collision with another rider. Ouch!

In team news...

I'm pretty excited about the 2009 season because we have some new sponsors that will be revealed very shortly, uniforms are being slightly altered, and a flood of new riders. The road team has been given a big boost with the pick up of 3 new riders (two of which will race 'cross also).

The mountain team still has one opening left. If you are interested just leave a comment with your email address or phone number(I won't publish it) and I'll get back to you.

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