Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Number 100

Yes, it's hard to believe but this is post number 100. If you've been reading since the beginning you should probably find something to do. Seriously.

So the team meeting has come and gone. The fine folks at Isaac's always come through for us. They opened an hour early and let us hog up about 5 tables and a booth. They really are a class act.
If you live in the Central PA/Delaware region you may see some snazzy new Allied Milk uniforms zipping around. Do not be alarmed. We really are going that slow.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pre-season orders and Uniforms

Temps are rising, pre-season orders are coming in, and with the arrival of the team uniforms today it really feels like racing season. It is, for us cyclists, a time of great anticipation. We've frozen our fingers, toes, and faces for months now. We crossed semi-frozen streams hoping to not get our feet or legs wet. Hiked down icy trails so we wouldn't die. We've found articles of clothing on the trail, were so cold we wore it hoping Karma would stay on our good side. We've battled frozen water bottles/three hour rides in 5 degrees with at best a slushy to quench our thirst. We've dealt with 2 or 3 inches of standing water (on the roads!) when the snow started to melt. This caused us to eat our fair share of horse poo. Now is our time (well, soon anyway).

Coming soon...Spring 2009.